Cherry Hill uses cookies intended to improve the user's browsing experience as well as the proper functioning of the site. We also use optional analysis cookies to display relevant content. By clicking on "I accept", you consent to the use of cookies. To find out more, please read our Cookie Policy.

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You can give your consent to the use of cookies. To continue browsing by leaving this cookie policy without having made a specific choice of data processing, amounts to accepting the use of all cookies.

What are cookies and why are they used?
A cookie is a small file which is sent to the browser and saved on your device when you visit a website such as ("the Site"). Cookies allow the site to function efficiently and improve its performance. They also provide information to the site owner for statistical or advertising purposes, mainly to personalize your browsing experience, by remembering your preferences (for example by recalling the language and currency you have set, or to recognize you. on your next visit, etc.).

What cookies do we use and for what purpose?
Our site uses different types of first party cookies, third party cookies and similar technologies, each of which has a specific function.


Navigation cookies
From the first access, these cookies allow the site to function properly and help you view the content on your device, recognizing your language and the market of the country or region from which you have chosen to connect. If you are a registered user, they will allow you to recognize and access the services offered in the dedicated areas. Navigation cookies are technical cookies, necessary for the site to function.

Functional cookies
These cookies make it possible, on the basis of your express request, to recognize you during your next connections so that you do not have to enter your identifiers on each visit (for example: “Recognize me the next time I log in.” If you have added items to your Cart and closed the session without finalizing the purchase and without deleting them, these cookies allow you to resume shopping on your next visit to the site (for a limited time) and find the selected articles. Functional cookies are not essential for the site to function, but they improve the quality and the browsing experience.

Analytical cookies
These first party cookies are used to collect data in an anonymous and aggregated form. These cookies are used to develop statistical analyzes on the browsing methods of users of our site. Cherry Hill processes the results of these analyzes anonymously and for statistical purposes only.

Marketing and direct targeting cookies and third-party cookies
These cookies are intended to create profiles relating to the user in order to send him commercial messages corresponding to the preferences that have been expressed during the visit or in order to '' improve the browsing experience: while you browse our site, these cookies allow you to present products that may interest you or are similar to those you have viewed. Third-party cookies are those sent to you by trusted third-party companies. These cookies allow our commercial offer to be presented to you on other affiliated websites (retargeting). With regard to third-party cookies, we do not control the information provided by the cookie or have access to such data. This information is fully controlled by the third party companies, in accordance with the details provided in their policies. To view the aforementioned third-party cookies, inform you about the respective site policies and consciously manage consent or denial. We invite you to visit

Social media cookies
These cookies are necessary to enable your social media account to interact with our site. They are useful for example to allow you to express your opinion and share it with your friends on social networks. Social network cookies are not necessary for navigation. For any additional information on the policies for the use of cookies by social networks, you can consult the respective confidentiality and cookie policies:
- Facebook:
- Google+:
- Twitter:
- Instagram: https: //
- YouTube:

How can I disable cookies and manage my preferences?

Most browsers are configured to accept, control or possibly disable cookies through configuration parameters. We remind you, however, that by disabling navigation cookies or functional cookies, the proper functioning of the site may be compromised and / or the service we offer you may be limited. Here is the procedure for managing cookies from the following browsers:
- IE: < br /> - Safari:
- Chrome: FR & hlrm = fr & hlrm = en
- Firefox:

Access to data and Customer Service
You can freely and at any time exercise your rights within the meaning of Art. 7 of the Data Protection Code, or get help and explanations on how you can exercise consent or selective refusal or on how to delete cookies from your browser, by sending an email to the Service Customer. We will get back to you as soon as possible.